Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Found something interesting...from 2006

The following is something I wrote in my 2006 LIVESTRONG Summit application. As you can see I wrote this 14 days after being diagnosed. It did not take long for me to realize what I HAD to do.

LAF Question: Please briefly describe your experience with cancer and/or the cancer community:

My Answer: My life forever changed 14 days ago when I was diagnosed with Testicle cancer. 11 days ago I had a second opinion confirm I have Testicular Cancer. 9 days ago I had surgery to have my right testicle removed. My prognosis is very positive, no tumor marker in my blood and I have seminoma (less aggressive.) I still have more to test and more to take care of, but I know I will beat it. Next up 4.5 weeks of radiation treatments.

Growing up I was never educated in school to check myself. I have asked all of the men I know (friends, coworkers, family) and none of them were ever told to check themselves. I am now 100% committed to educating men on the facts about Testicular Cancer and how it is the most common form of cancer in the age groups 15-35.

Cancer has changed my life and my priorities. I will be taking an active role in educating people, raising money and anything else I can possibly do to help to get the word out and find a cure. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to attend the LIVESTRONG Summit and to become a representative where I live.

I will beat cancer and I will LIVESTRONG!